=== Catch Kathmandu === Contributors: catchthemes Tags: black, blue, gray, white, dark,light, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, front-page-post-form, full-width-template, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready Requires at least: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GNU General Public License v3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Catch Kathmandu Theme is a fully responsive WordPress theme that looks elegant on any devices. It is simple, clean and lightweight full-fledged theme == Description == Catch Kathmandu Theme is a fully responsive WordPress theme that looks elegant on any devices. It is simple, clean and lightweight full-fledged WordPress theme based on HTML5 and CSS3. The design is highly customizable and you can tailor the display to your taste with a few easy clicks. If you are looking for a clean professional space, which accommodates your visuals and yet provides you with ample amount of textual area, Catch Kathmandu is your perfect find. This theme is widely been used by Photographers, Bloggers, Corporate Houses and Universities. Translation ready and currently translated in French, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, German(SWITZERLAND), Japanese, Dutch, German and Danish languages. Check out Theme Instructions at https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-kathmandu/, Support at https://catchthemes.com/support/ and Demo at https://catchthemes.com/demo/catch-kathmandu/ For more information about Catch Kathmandu please go to https://catchthemes.com/themes/catch-kathmandu/ == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button. 2. Type in catch-kathmandu in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. 3. Click on the 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away. 4. Go to https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-kathmandu/ for a guide on how to customize this theme. 5. Navigate to Appearance -> Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this theme support any plugins? = Theme supports all plugins from catchplugins.com = Where can I find theme documentation? = You can check our Theme Instructions at https://catchthemes.com/themes/catch-kathmandu in the Theme Instructions Tab. = Where can I find theme demo? = You can check our Theme Demo at https://catchthemes.com/demo/catch-kathmandu/ == Translation == Catch Kathmandu theme is translation ready. Added Translation for French by Rico (Email: postmaster@web-automobile.com), Sebastian Chamusard (admin78@orange.fr) and Laurent Juvigny (laurent.juvigny@neuf.fr) Added Translation for Russian by XakRu (Email: calvinxakru@gmail.com) and Jose Rainbow (youlold@gmail.com) Added Translation for Spanish by Ruben Ramos Fernandez (batmovil69@hotmail.com ) Added Translation for Polish by Piotr (Email: fansitepoprostugry@gmail.com) Added Translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Valdir Trombini (Email: valdirtrombini@hotmail.com) Added Translation for Italian by Lorenzo Bossi (lorenzobossi83@gmail.com) Added Translation for German - SWITZERLAND by Marc Andri Etterlin (m.a.etterlin@lichtundmusik.ch) Added Translation for Japanese - Key Saito (key@keyspace.info) Added Translation for Dutch - Yoshi van den Akker (yoshivda@gmail.com) Added Translation for Turkish - Dr. Hakan Gur (dilderslerisitesi@gmail.com) Added Translation for Catalan - Dr. Jaume Albaiges (jaumealbaiges@hotmail.com) Added Translation for German - Stephan Erdmann (Email: s.erdmann@bewegungsfelder.de ) Added Translation for Danish by Alexander Leo-Hansen and Johan Michaelsen (Email: alexanderleoh@gmail.com) Catch Kathmandu is a derivative of the Catch Everest theme by the Catch Themes Team: https://wordpress.org/themes/catch-everest Copyright: Catch Themes, catchthemes.com Licensed under GPLv3 or later == Post ID shown in the All Posts Table == This theme shows the post id of the posts in the all posts table in the dashboard. This is added to help the users to use those ids in the Featured Post Slider Options. == Theme Instruction == Check out the theme instruction at https://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-kathmandu/ == Free Support Forum == Access to free support forum at https://catchthemes.com/support-forum/forum/catch-kathmandu-public/ = More FAQ = For more FAQs, visit https://catchthemes.com/frequently-asked-questions/ == Changelog == = 4.3.4 (Released: August 12, 2022) = * Bug Fixed: Width of number input box in Customizer * Updated: Maximum limit for Number of Slides to 25 = 4.3.3 (Released: July 26, 2022) = * Bug Fixed: Undefined variable $utility_text template-tags.php * Updated: Google Font hosted locally (https://make.wordpress.org/themes/2022/06/18/complying-with-gdpr-when-using-google-fonts/) = 4.3.2 (Released: February 05, 2022) = * Updated: WordPress 5.9 ready = 4.3.1 (Released: January 18, 2022) = * Added: screen-reader-text in Scrollup anchor for accessibility * Bug Fixed: Scrollup js issue in short pages = 4.3 (Released: September 16, 2021) = * Added: Core Blocks Support * Bug Fixed: Added underline on the anchor tag * Bug Fixed: Text domain issue * Bug Fixed: Removed extra ; from catchkathmandu-functions.php = 4.2.3 (Released: November 06, 2020) = * Bug Fixed: JS depreciated issue on slider custom script * Bug Fixed: Page menu design issue = 4.2.2 (Released: August 25, 2020) = * Bug Fixed: Responsive mobile menu style = 4.2.1 (Released: August 25, 2020) = * Updated: Menu JS updated as tiny Nav caused the issue and is no longer supported = 4.2 (Released: August 20, 2020) = * Fix: WP 5.5 compatbility for jquery = 4.1 (Released: August 14, 2020) = * Fix: WP 5.5 compatbility for jquery * Fix: Theme Check issues * Updated: Readme = 4.0.4 (Released: May 05, 2020) = * Added: Exclude Slider posts from Homepage posts for category = 4.0.3 (Released: January 21, 2020) = * Bug Fixed: Cache issue in Footer Content (Reported by chickadeesharon) = 4.0.2 (Released: January 14, 2020) = * Bug Fixed: Cache issue in Footer Content (Reported by chickadeesharon) = 4.0.1 (Released: January 14, 2020) = * Updated: Replaced global variable allocation to function for theme options and default options = 4.0 (Released: September 25, 2019) = * Added: Support for wp_body_open action * Bug Fixed: Demo featured content customizer preview issue * Bug Fixed: Keyboard navigation accessibility issue * Removed: Support for legacy theme options * Updated: Metabox UI * Updated: Readme file as per the new requirement = 3.9.7 (Released: August 06, 2018) = * Added: Core Privacy Policy link support in footer * Bug Fixed: Comment Form radio and checkbox alignment * Replaced: class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) with class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) as WooCommerce update caused issues * Updated: Upgrade to pro button css * Updated: Content type label updated = 3.9.6 (Released: April 10, 2018) = * Bug Fixed: Design issue with Catch Infinite Scroll plugin = 3.9.5 (Released: March 06, 2018) = * Bug Fixed: typo issue in German language file (Reported by Vladi) * Code Optimization * Enhanced Security: Replaced wp_filter_post_kses with wp_kses_post = 3.9.4 (Released: July 24, 2017) = * Version bumped due to WordPress.org svn issue = 3.9.3 (Released: July 24, 2017) = * Code optimization * Removed: changelog.txt file and added changelog in readme.txt file = 3.9.2 = * Code Optimization * Compatible with WordPress 4.8 * Remove: Backward compatibility functions = 3.9.1 = * Added: Option to Display all Categories in Customizer * Changed: Text in Customizer (Homepage Featured Content to Featured Content) * Code Optimization * Removed: Custom Favicon and WebClip icon support * Updated: Screenshot = 3.9 = * Bug Fixed: Reset Options in customizer updated * Updated: Used the_archive_title() and the_archive_description() in archive.php * Updated: IE conditional script/style loading using wp_script_add_data/wp_style_add_data * Updated: fitvids handle to 'jquery-fitvids' * Updated: Upgrade Button in customizer with respect to trt decision * Updated: Custom CSS to Additional CSS( Core Support ) for WP version 4.7 * Code Optimization = 3.8 = * Bug Fixed: white space issue * Bug Fixed: Renamed 'catchresponsive' with 'catchkathmandu' as handle prefix for html5shiv enqueue * Bug Fixed: ID column display issue in mobile devices * Removed: max-width parameter in custom header(depreciated) * Updated: Instagram and YouTube logo * Updated: All instances of http://catchthemes.com changed to https://catchthemes.com = 3.7.2 = * Bug Fixed: Customizer options for Custom Header ( Reported by igarciadelamo ) = 3.7.1 = * Bug Fixed: Make the logo width flexible = 3.7 = * Bug Fixed: Unnecessary sidebar-third.php and third column related codes removed * Updated: Theme layout delivery * Updated: Content width in new style * Updated: Favicon and Web Clip Migration to Site Icon( Core Support ) * Updated: Logo to Custom Logo( Core Support ) for WP version 4.5 = 3.6 = * Added: Disable scrollup option * Removed: HTML script loading from header and added it as wp_enqueue_script() in catchkathmandu_scripts() function * Updated: Danish translation de_DE.po and de_DE.mo * Updated: Genericons to 3.4.1 * Updated: html5 script to version 3.7.3 * Updated: German translation de_DE.po and de_DE.mo = 3.5.2 = * Bug Fixed: Compatibility issue, customizer Reset option not working when returning any value in WordPress 4.4 * Bug Fixed: Instagram social icon title issue ( Reported by Andreas Grieb ) = 3.5.1 = * Bug Fixed: Customizer Dropdown type saving issue * Bug Fixed: Excerpt More Tag sanitization issue * Updated Text Domain in style.css to catch-kathmandu = 3.5 = * Added Danish translation da_DK.po and da_DK.mo files = 3.4.1 = * Bug Fixed: Default index on social icons on customizer * Big Fixed: Warning fixed on saving Featured Content = 3.4 = * Compatible with WordPress 4.3 * Removed support for WordPress version less than 4.1 * Updated text-domain = 3.3.2 = * Added screen-reader-text css * Added all theme options to customizer * Removed: Unnecessary Codes from catchkathmandu-functions.php * Updated: Brazilian Portuguese translation pt_BR.po and pt_BR.mo * Changed: enable_posts_home default value to 1 * Changed: select_slider_type default value to demo-slider * Updated codes to comply with deprecating PHP4 style constructors in WordPress 4.3 = 3.3.1 = * Simplified Theme Options: Moved all Homepage option to Theme Options * Replaced: pre_get_posts with parse_query for catchkathmandu_alter_home for better WPML plugin handle * Updated: Genericons to version 3.3 * Updated: French translation fr_FR.po and fr_FR.mo (By Laurent Juvigny) = 3.3 = * Added Germany translation de_DE.po and de_DE.mo = 3.2 = * Added Light (Black) color scheme = 3.1 = * Added more theme options button in Customizer * Bug Fixed: Margin issue in Comments * Bug Fixed: Fixed function prefix and comment text * Bug Fixed: WooCommerce plugin compatibility = 3.0 = * Added Catalan translation ca_ES.po and ca_ES.mo * Added title tag via add theme support * Bug Fixed: Featured Header image condition * Updated Spanish translation es_ES.po and es_ES.mo = 2.5.2 = * Fixed footer credit link * Replaced get_bloginfo() with admin_url() that links to Theme Options * Removed shortcodes = 2.5.1 & = 2.5 (Merged) = * Code cleaning in theme options panel * Changed default footer text and link to Author URI * Removed unnecessary files * catch-kathmandu/inc/panel/js/color_picker.js * catch-kathmandu/inc/panel/js/color_picker.min.js * Removed unnessary catchkathmandu_color enqueue * Removed unused codes * Updated media uploader to new version in theme options = 2.4 = * Added support for WooCommerce plugin = 2.3 = * Added meetup social icon * Added changelog.txt file which list the theme change log * Removed # link where the link in empty from Homepage Featured Content ( Reported by Heinz ) = 2.2 = * Added Turkish translation tr_TR.po and tr_TR.mo * Fixed Email social icon link issue (Reported by Michaela) * Added Contact link option = 2.1 = * Added Dutch translation nl_NL.po and nl_NL.mo * Added Xing Social link option * Fixed scroll up issue in mobile devices = 2.0.1 = * Fixed undefined index of feed_url = 2.0 = * Added Scroll Up script * Added support for pagination plugin WP-PageNavi and WP Page Numbers * Added genericons * Fixed image uploader in Theme Options panel * Fixed dark color scheme css for slider = 1.9 = * Added email in social link option * Fixed responsive css for sidebar in iPhone 4 * Optimized Theme Options panel to speed up = 1.8.2 = * Removed rem in width, padding and margins, now only in font sizes css = 1.8.1 = * Added Japanese translation ja.po and ja.mo = 1.8 = * Added German(SWITZERLAND) translation de_CH.po and de_CH.mo = 1.7 = * Added Italian translation it_IT.po and it_IT.mo = 1.6 = * Added Brazilian Portuguese translation pt_BR.po and pt_BR.mo = 1.5.2 = * Fixed menu color option in dark color scheme (Reported by puriabhishek22) = 1.5.1 = * Added missing Polish language and WordPress theme tags = 1.5 = * Added Polish translation pl_PL.po and pl_PL.mo * Fixed Footer widget issues in Mobile devices when using 3 footer areas (Reported By Tim) = 1.4 = * Added Spanish translation es_ES.po and es_ES.mo * Added default logo images option to select = 1.3.1 = * Added Russian translation ru_RU.po and ru_RU.mo = 1.3 = * Added French translation fr_FR.po and fr_FR.mo * Removed cursor pointer from slider entry-container and added only in link slider title (Reported by bwooster47) * Fixed homepage headline button not showing when disabling Homepage Headline and Homepage Sub-headline (Reported by Max) * Disable logo by default as per the new theme review guideline = 1.2.1 (Merged with 1.2) = * Added Aria Haspopup for menu in Touch Devices * Fixed slider text issue * Fixed secondary menu issue * Removed secondary menu mobile header and just highlight current menu item = 1.1.1 = * Fixed mobile menu link issue = 1.1 = * Added secondary menu option in mobile devices * Changed secondary menu id for HTML validation (Reported By bschell) * Minified admin scripts * Removed unnecessary css = 1.0 = * Change logo image to generic logo image as per WordPress.org guideline * Change default slider images, homepage featured images and screenshot image to all GPL selfshot images by CatchThemes * Fixed Menu css * Updated responsive menu script * Updated responsive video script * Updated HTML5 script * Updated slider script = 0.5 = * Header Image, Favicon and WebClip icon changed to Catch Kathmandu design * Screenshot changed to show the new header image and review button * Demo link changed to review link at WordPress.org = 0.4 = * Added user capability condition for header and footer codes * Removed WordPress SEO plugin condition in header.php * Changed Favicon default to disabled = 0.3 = * Fixed UTF character issue in style.css theme description = 0.2 = * Re-uploading in WordPress.org as the previous ticket got empty = 0.1 = * Initial release in https://catchthemes.com * Submitted theme for review in http://wordpress.org == Copyright == Catch Kathmandu WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012-2022 Catchthemes.com Catch Kathmandu is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Resources == * Based on Underscores http://underscores.me/, (C) 2012-2018 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * Unless otherwise specified, all Images are self shot by Catch Themes Copyright: Catch Themes, catchthemes.com * JS Files HTML5-Shiv is Licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses https://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/ Slider code from jQuery Cycle jquery.cycle.all.js is Licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/ Selectivizr - CSS3 selectors for Internet Explorer selectivizr.js is Licensed under the MIT license http://selectivizr.com/ fitvids is Licensed under the WTFPL license http://fitvidsjs.com/ * Font Icons Genericons by Automattic, Inc. Genericons is Licensed under the GPL, version 2 or later http://genericons.com/